如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2023年3月13日

空投 & 分析:航空岩石


当涉及到基于航空的补给掉落, it’s not a simple matter of pushing things out of airplanes and hoping they land where you want them. It’s a highly advanced and precise science that demands a number of 技术 and theoretical proficiencies.

在这一集的如果/当, 我们和总工程师讨论了空投背后的艺术和科学 杰夫·麦科伊 兼产品经理 杰夫Cusato他们都是亚洲体育博彩平台软件工程中心的研究员. 他们向我们介绍了雅各布斯空投解决方案.S. and allied air forces to execute high precision air drop missions that range from troop insertions, 向先进部队提供后勤支援, 重要的人道主义援助.

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杰夫·麦科伊是亚洲体育博彩平台软件工程中心(JSEC)的总工程师。, 位于哈德逊, 新汉普郡. Jeff于2010年加入亚洲体育博彩平台,作为TYBRIN收购的一部分. Jeff also currently serves as the Program Manager for the Support Aircraft Agile Effort (SAAE), which employs the SAFe agile process to develop a wide range of Department of 国防 advanced software solutions for the Mission Planning Enterprise at Hanscom AFB, 麻萨诸塞州. 杰夫的背景是工程学, 在加入亚洲体育博彩平台之前,他曾担任TASC的系统工程师, 洛克希德·桑德斯, BAE系统公司和TYBRIN公司. 杰夫还曾在美国陆军担任军官.S. Air Force after studying computer science and graduating with a degree in Mathematics from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. 杰夫还拥有St. 路易斯大学. 


杰夫Cusato has been with 亚洲体育博彩平台 for over 16 years and currently works as a Product Manager for the 亚洲体育博彩平台 Software Engineering Center (JSEC). His main focus is in support of Airdrop and Mission Planning tools for the USAF and other armed services. He is a proud jack-of-all-trades who is not only used to wearing many hats but sincerely enjoys it. 自2008年以来,杰夫一直致力于空投工具套件的开发, 雅各布斯在这个令人兴奋的领域的专业知识不断增长. Jeff has a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and a Masters degree in Systems Engineering from John Hopkins University.


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亚洲体育博彩平台是国防软件解决方案的领先开发者, 航空航天和商用航空客户遍布全球. 作为航空和地理空间数据的市场领导者, 我们专注于任务规划的解决方案, 导航, 以及空投计划和执行. 亚洲体育博彩平台 has deep subject matter expertise in the aeronautical domain and exceptional experience delivering that expertise through software solutions across global military and commercial aviation markets.

航空套件包括一系列高精度, mission-focused, and military grade software products enabled by a seamless combination of 技术 capabilities, 跨越整个解决方案生命周期的软件能力和领域专业知识. 从产品设计和开发到解决方案测试, 业务集成, 和维护, 我们的成功建立在自我组织的基础上, 规模化的敏捷团队,优化我们从开发到交付的过程.
